Watch Trav’s Step-by-Step Guide on Installing a Diff Breather Kit to a 70s Series

Ready to get hands-on with a diff breather installation? Follow Trav as he shows you exactly how to do it.

Discover not only how, but why your beloved 70s series needs one (hint, it’s imperative if you’re going anywhere the slightest bit soggy or dusty – AKA, virtually all of Australia if you’re heading away from the tarmac!)

It also protects the electrical elements of your lockers, plus it dramatically reduces the risk of water damaging the diff.

So, the next step is how to do it…

Get eyes on as Trav gets the job done. This includes watching how he preps the breather block, removes the factory breathers, mounts the new one, routes and secures the hoses, reconnects everything and then tests and inspects that the job’s done right.

You’ll also get some expert inside tips on how and why you should do things like:

·      Use the best quality fittings and hoses (and why using cheaper kit is false economy).

·      How to route the hoses correctly.

·      Why and how to secure hoses for longevity.

·      Plus, the importance of regular checks over time to ensure problem-free off-roading.

This is just one example of a wholly worthwhile upgrade to a 70s series cruiser. And, don’t forget that if you’ve got any questions or queries, you can get in contact with the PDP team and we’ll give you our honest expert advice.

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