Solving the Historic Dust Ingression Problem on the Landcruiser 200 Series

Let’s face it, even the best-of-the-best off roaders have their little foibles. And, for the Landcruiser 200 series, the classic one is its dust ingression issue. But worry no more, as Travis shows you exactly how to counter it by adding a Donaldson Airbox and Filter Bundle.

First up, he runs through why this is one of the most significant upgrades you’ll make to your 200… Sure, you can drive around to your heart’s content without one. But, and this is especially relevant to the Aussie environment, dust can damage a whole heap of engine components – such as the turbocharger and the intercooler. Worst case scenario could see the engine itself rendered useless!

Such repairs can run into the tens of thousands of dollars – and we’re sure you’ve got far more pressing Landcruiser additions that you’d rather spend your cash on…

As Travis says, the problem stems from the inadequate sealing on the factory air box. This means the dust bypasses the air filter and enters the engine. Swapping the factory-fitted one and installing the Donaldson airbox system solves this problem in one easy step. It improves the sealing and the air filtration, effectively stopping the dust in its tracks.

The video provides an in-depth explanation (verbal and visual) about dust ingression, compares the factory and Donaldson airboxes and shows you how easy the replacement is to fit. You’ll also be treated to the road test results showing quite how effective this upgrade is.

Discover more great upgrades for the 200 series Landcruiser and check out other great advice and FAQs on the PDP website.

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