The rumours are confirmed – Toyota will no longer be installing the V8 into the Landcruiser 70 Series…
Trav reads the official statement from Toyota, which provides the reasons behind the decision – and confirms that future models will be powered by a 4-cylinder engine. This means that the final production of the V8 Wagon, Troopy, Workmate & GX pickups will take place in September 2024 and be in customer’s hands late this year or early next year.
The news has sent shockwaves through the 4WD world – the V8 has been loved by many since its introduction to Australia in 1985.
In this video, Trav talks to Ronny Dahl and gets his opinion. They look back at the V8 legacy and discuss the new era of the Landcruiser 70 series.
Some of the improvements touted by Landcruiser to get us on board with the change include:
- A manual transmission: The new engine will be paired with a 5-speed manual transmission (although not for single cab and Workmate options).
- Engine upgrade: Toyota has upgraded the synchro and changed the ratios to complement the characteristics of the new engine.
- Clutch upgrade: The 4-cylinder engine has an increased torque output, so the clutch has been upgraded in line with this.
- Transmission sealing: They’ve sealed the bell housing to the engine to protect from debris ingression that could cause damage to the clutch release bearing.
Plus, and this is the big one, Landcruiser stresses that they’re confident that the towing capacity and harsh environment capabilities that the 70 is known for won’t be affected – and that the new powertrain in the 4-cylinder engine will continue to be more than able to meet the standard of the V8.
So… How will this news be received by fans of the V8? While the Landcruiser 70 Series is far from being finished, it’s deffo a new era. Check out all the details in our video and let us know if you fall into the ‘love it’ or ‘hate it’ camp…